Examples : ShopΒΆ

from zope.interface import Interface, implements

from axiom.attributes import AND, OR
from axiom import item, attributes, sequence
from epsilon.extime import Time

class Person(item.Item):
    '''A person here is not specific to the shopping part of the application.
    It may have been defined elsewhere eg during registration for an enquiries system.
    We can't subclass Person but we can plugin our shop specific attributes and methods using
    the Axiom powerup pattern.

    typeName = 'Person'
    schemaVersion = 1

    name = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    dob = attributes.timestamp(allowNone=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Person name='%s' dob='%s'>' % (self.name, self.dob.asISO8601TimeAndDate())

class IShopCustomer(Interface):

class ShopCustomer(item.Item):
    '''A ShopCustomer is a powerup for person.'''

    typeName = 'ShopCustomer'
    schemaVersion = 1

    installedOn = attributes.reference()

    def installOn(self, other):
        assert self.installedOn is None, 'cannot install ShopCustomer on more than one person'
        self.installedOn = other
        other.powerUp(self, IShopCustomer)

    '''Customer specific methods'''
    def getProductsOrdered(self):
        # An example of an inner join query
        return self.store.query(
                ShopOrder.customer == self.installedOn,

    def getOrders(self):
        return self.store.query(
            ShopOrder.customer == self.installedOn

class ShopProduct(item.Item):
    typeName = 'ShopProduct'
    schemaVersion = 1

    name = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    price = attributes.integer(allowNone=False)
    stock = attributes.integer(default=0)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<ShopProduct name='%s' price='%d' stock='%d'>' % (self.name, self.price, self.stock)

class ShopProductOrdered(item.Item):
    '''Links a product and quantity of product to an order.'''
    typeName = 'ShopProductOrdered'
    schemaVersion = 1

    order = attributes.reference(allowNone=False)
    product = attributes.reference(allowNone=False)
    quantity = attributes.integer(default=1)

class ShopOrder(item.Item):
    typeName = 'ShopOrder'
    schemaVersion = 1

    customer = attributes.reference(allowNone=False)
    purchaseDate = attributes.timestamp(allowNone=False)

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        super(ShopOrder, self).__init__(**kw)

    def addProduct(self, product, quantity=1):
        po = self.store.findOrCreate(
        po.quantity = quantity

    def getProducts(self):
        return self.store.query(ShopProductOrdered, ShopProductOrdered.order == self)

    def getTotalPrice(self):
        #XXX: Axiom will issue multiple queries here, but it could be done in one SQL query. Is there a way to issue such a query?
        total = 0
        for p in self.getProducts():
            total += p.product.price*p.quantity
        return total

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<ShopOrder customer='%s' purchaseDate='%s' items='%s'>' % (self.customer.name, self.purchaseDate.asISO8601TimeAndDate(), self.items)

def populateStore(s):

    customerDetails = [
        (u'Joe Bloggs', '1977-05-08'),
        (u'Jane Doe', '1959-05-22'),

    for name, dob in customerDetails:
        p = Person(store=s, name=name, dob=Time.fromISO8601TimeAndDate(dob))

        # This is where we powerup the Person with additional ShopCustomer bits

    products = [
        ShopProduct(store=s, name=u'Tea Bags', price=2),
        ShopProduct(store=s, name=u'Cornflakes', price=3),
        ShopProduct(store=s, name=u'Lemonade', price=4),
        ShopProduct(store=s, name=u'Peanuts', price=5),

    quantities = [1,2,4]

    for c in s.query(ShopCustomer):
        o = ShopOrder(store=s, customer=c.installedOn, purchaseDate=Time())
        o.addProduct(random.choice(products), random.choice(quantities))
        o.addProduct(random.choice(products), random.choice(quantities))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import random
    from axiom import store

    s = store.Store(debug=False)

    '''We only want a Person who is also a ShopCustomer.
    We therefore search for ShopCustomer but grab a reference to the person within (installedOn)
    When you want the person reference to behave like a shopcustomer
    adapt it to the IShopCustomer interface'''
    p = s.findFirst(ShopCustomer).installedOn

    print [x.name for x in IShopCustomer(p).getProductsOrdered()]
    print '%s has ordered the following products since registering:' % p.name

    print 'A breakdown of %s's orders' % p.name
    print ['Items: %s, Total: %d'%(['%s X %d'%(y.product.name, y.quantity) for y in x.getProducts()], x.getTotalPrice()) for x in IShopCustomer(p).getOrders()]